1-After school homework, and tutoring for elementary and high school students
Immigrant children are assigned to class/ grade based on their ages not based on their educational background. Most of these children come from refugee camps or where child education is not accessible. When assigned to higher classes/ grades base on tier ages, it is evident that these children face huge difficulties in understanding the subjects specially in science and mathematics.
That is why CTS stepped in starting to offer math classes at the request of refugee parents. And the result of the help the student received from the tutoring services are promising as most students showed huge progresses in the subject.
2-LINC Homework help for newcomers
Most immigrants do not have an educational background even for basic education. Therefore, the language class they are offered is difficult for them. In addition, some parents are taking the LINC class while they are working. That means they do not have enough hours to study and do their assignment. Furthermore, the Covid 19 pandemic moved their classes online which make it even harder.By the request of its members, CTS started offering help for adult LINC program students.
Volunteers from the CTS are offering interpretation services for our community members that do not speak English
4-Free Citizenship Class
5-Free Alberta Drivers handbook class for newcomers
6-Filling different application forms ( Social housing, immigration application forms)
7-Kids soccer ( to be started soon)
8-Settlement Services
CTS is an organization from the refugee community in Edmonton. Most of the members are refugees of diverse backgrounds, and experiences. CTS has been doing resettlement activities for long time. Most of the settlement services are focused on newcomers that directly come to Edmonton, newcomers that moved to Edmonton Alberta from other provinces of Canada, family members that are sponsored by relatives in Canada (for example like spouses, dependent children and other family members), and people that moved to Edmonton from another towns/ city of Alberta.
The settlement services we are giving are:
Finding temporary shelter Finding rental apartment or room met as a permanent shelter Taking them to the local government settlements agencies for example the Catholic Social services Registering their children to the school Finding the family doctor and dentist Filling out the child tax benefits application Giving ride to their appointments Welcoming them at the airport Giving interpretation services Linking with job finding agencies like Mennonite center Helping the immigrants with the LINC course Linking them with their respective community members Registering them for LINC program.